  • Peach


    Peach – Fruits of a peach contain 80-90% of water, 6-14% of sugars, including sucrose 5-10, pectinaceous substances - 0,5-1,2%, vitamin C - 9,4-20 mg of %, carotene - 0,6-1,0 mg of %. Seeds of a peach contain 20-60% (from solid) fat oil, 0,4-0,7% of essential natural oil. Fruits of peach are eaten fresh, and also in the processed look (from peaches cook compotes, jam, do juice, or use dried fruits of a peach).

    Almost 24,030 tons of peach were produced in Azerbaijan in 2016. That was harvested from 4,372 hectares. We offer to our customers a variety of sorts of peach  - Sweet dream, Patty, Royal Summer.


    Pomegranate is one of the most loved fruits of Azerbaijanis. Pomegranates are usually grown in subtropical and semi-dry climates and are naturally fresher than the regions with soft winter and hot summer. Pomegranate is a well-known and recognized fruit in Azerbaijan.

    The composition of pomegranate - glucose and fructose 8-19 percent, citric acid 3-7, minerals, vitamins, cellulose, pectin, and others. This fruit is rich in antioxidants. The pomegranate has a long shelf life and can be stored at a temperature of 5-7 ° C within a 7-month period and relative humidity of 80-85. In fact, this fruit is juicier when stored in a warehouse.

    The most famous Azeri species are Guloysha, Bala Mursal, Nazik gabig, Shah Pomegranate, Red Gabig, Shell diagonal, Red Valley valley Shahnaz, Agshirin and others. Pomegranate species such as Red and Pink Guloysha, Gırmıziqabığ, Nazikqabıq, Shah Pomegranate, Red Cross, Gayum-Nar are represented both in domestic and foreign markets. The main distinguishing feature of the famous Azerbaijani pomegranate is its cultivation in the organic environment and the use of fertilizers.

    In 2017 165,000 tons of pomegranates were grown in the country. Azerbaijan should show a bigger result in the production and export of pomegranate in 2018 compared to 20-25% last year. Now, the pomegranate garden areas are 23,000 hectares.


    The persimmon season in Azerbaijan starts at October-November; The most delicious persimmon is soft and shiny orange on the touch. The persimmon cultivated in Azerbaijan is rich in glucose, fructose, organic acids, carotene and vitamin C and other health benefits.
    In 2016, the production of dates in Azerbaijan reached 142,920 tons.


    The cherries season starts in Azerbaijan from April to May and continues to July. Cherry harvesting is usually carried out from April to May and end of July. Color, taste and hardness control processing for each product 10 days before harvesting. We now offer 22 kinds of cherry to our customers. Cherry, grown in Azerbaijan, is distinguished by sweet juicy taste, and it is firm and squeaky. Long-term storage is based on specific conditions of harvesting. The product is sorted by color, size, and quality after harvesting. Calibrated fruits are distributed on the first and second levels (on the basis of presence or absence of small injuries) packed and tagged. Packaging is carried out taking into account the time required for transport. Special packaging is used for long-term transportation of fruits and vegetables.
    In 2016 about 46,692 tons of cherry was grown in Azerbaijan.

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